Mitt Romney, Mormonism, & Presidential Politics, Part 1

With Mitt Romney the GOP presidential nominee heir apparent, and with his religion already being questioned, I've received numerous emails and inquiries on what position I will take based on my past public pronouncements. I've received, in general, five specific questions about Mitt Romney, Mormonism, and Presidential Politics:

  1. Can Christians vote for a Mormon?
  2. Should Christians vote for the Republican nominee, no matter who that is, to stop Barack Obama from four more years in the White House?
  3. What characteristics should Christians look for in a candidate?
  4. If I do not vote for Mitt Romney, am I by default voting for Obama?
  5. Will God hold me accountable for my votes and will pragmatism be an allowable excuse?

I posed these questions to my pastor, Dr. Dennis Brunet, Senior Pastor of Midway Baptist Church in Gulf Breeze, FL. In a taped interview conducted over just under an hour on Monday, April 23, 2012. The answers I received both validated what I believe and also Bro Dennis (as he is wont to be called) surprised me with a couple of his answers.

He tackled the questions in a different order than appears above and here is Part 1 of the interview where he answers the question:

Should Christians vote for the Republican nominee, no matter who that is, to stop Barack Obama from four more years in the White House? 

Mitt Romney, Mormonism, & Presidential Politics, Part 1