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November Mid-terms

Well, November 4th is almost here and I've been getting contacted by many of our military on voting advice.

Here's how I will be voting.

Keep in mind this is only for Santa Rosa County, Florida voters.



First Congressional District

Jeff Miller

Governor & Lt. Governor

Rick Scott & Carlos Lopez-Cantera

Attorney General

Pam Bondi

Chief Financial Officer

Jeff Atwater

Commissioner of Agriculture

Adam Putnam

State Representative District 3

Doug Broxson

County Commissioner District 2

Bob Cole

County Commissioner District 4

Rob Williamson

School Board Member District 3

Jim Taylor

Retention of First District Court of Appeal Judges

Robert T. Benton - Yes
Joseph Lewis, Jr. - No
Scott Makar - No
Tim Osterhaus - No
Clay Roberts - No

Constitutional Amendments

Amendment 1 - No
Amendment 2 - No
Amendment 3 - Yes

Other Public Measures

Sales Tax for Courthouse - For the one-cent sales tax. I'm usually against an increase in the sales tax, however our county needs a new courthouse and I think all citizens should chip in, not just property owners. The tax will be in effect for 5 years.

New Courthouse referendums - I'm voting for the East Milton referendum. The better option would have been to build near the county jail, but that option was taken off the table by the Board of County Commissioners with these three referendum proposals.

Incorporate Navarre -  not sure why this is on the ballot. From all I've been able to attain, a legislative effort to incorporate is already underway. A feasibility study has been completed, but the political action committee has not yet come to Navarre residents with what the costs would be. I personally am opposed to wasting any resources to address this effort to the Florida Legislature without knowing what it would cost. This is a non-binding resolution, however I don't want to give the impression that Navarre is ready to go forward with incorporation until we know the cost. I guess that means I'm voting no.

One Endorsement Correction

I'm changing my endorsement from Cindy Frakes for Okaloosa County School Board to Lamar White.

It was brought that Ms. Frakes supports Common Core. 

Not asking candidates' position on Common Core was an oversight on my part and I apologize for that.


Another Endorsement

DeFuniak Springs resident Danny Glidewell contacted me yesterday to see if he could fill out the questionnaire and he had not discovered my email until after I had closed down the candidate questionnaire survey. I gladly obliged him because it is important for voters to know where candidates stand. After my conversation with Danny and reading his answers, I am endorsing Danny Glidewell for Walton County Commissioner, District 2. Below are Danny's answers:

Danny Glidewell's Answers

Christian Competitor Cross-Examination

imageWith the swift punishment and immediate re-education of Miami Dolphins safety Don Jones, there is only one logical next step.

Sports media, league officials, and militant gay activists will need to "out" openly Christian athletes by asking them their opinions on Michael Sam and Jason Collins being openly gay and playing professional sports.

It will not be enough for faith-based athletes to say that they have no problem with gay athletes or they won't allow their personal views to affect their relationships with other athletes.

These athletes will be pressed to reconcile biblical teachings with their public statements in a lose-lose media gotcha game.

As my buddy Steve Deace always says, "You will be made to care!"

What Is A Christian Conservative?

Living in the Florida Panhandle, three of the four major networks television stations we get are out of Mobile, Alabama. Because of that, we get to see all the political campaign ads for various local, state, and federal campaigns. Currently there is a runoff campaign between Bradley Byrne and Dean Young for the US Congress seat being vacated by Congressman Jo Bonner. Mr. Byrne is running the following ad:

Whenever I hear a candidate describe himself as a Christian conservative, then that always peaks my interest. Both terms have been so watered down to lose their original meaning. 

I visited Mr. Byrne's website to read up on him. Mr. Byrne writes his "faith in Christ is [his] foundation. Our nation faces a moral crisis, but it doesn’t have to be that way. As God called the people of Israel back time and time again we in America have the responsibility to heed His call and do His will."

So far so good.

His biography further states that he is a member of St. James Episcopal Church in Fairhope, AL. Okay, that made my antenna go up. For the last ten years or so, the Episcopal Church has done a seismic shift in its denominational doctrine when it comes to gay marriage and last year approved same-sex blessing services.

At the Episcopal Church's website, of which is linked to at St. James' website, their page "LGBT in the Church" states "To our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender brothers and sisters: 'The Episcopal Church welcomes you!'"

The Bible clearly condemns homosexuality and no attempt by liberal theologians to twist scripture to fit the modern acceptance of what the Bible declares an abomination will change that fact.

I wanted to get the opinion of the Rector of Saint James in Fairhope so I emailed Rev. Mark H. Wilson. Here is my email:


From: David Jeffers
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 1:30 AM
To: Mark Wilson
Subject: Question about Saint James

Rev. Wilson,

Does Saint James Episcopal Church support the Episcopal Church’s General Convention House of Bishops’ vote of 111-41 to authorize a trial rite for same-sex unions? If yes, have you or would you perform a same-sex ceremony?

Also, do you support the ordaining of transgendered individuals for the ministry?

Thank you so much for your time.

Now those questions seem to be simple yes or no questions. Here is Rev. Wilson's reply:

From: Mark Wilson
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 10:52:12
To: David Jeffers
Subject: RE: Question about Saint James

I would be happy to share my thoughts and opinions with you.  My telephone number is listed bleow.


I have had this type of response before, mostly from politicians, and in most cases it is an avoidance tactic. A telephone conversation leaves room for he said, she said. An email response is a record that can't be misquoted or taken out of context. It was very telling to me that he wouldn't answer my questions via email. I know for a fact my pastor would have answered those questions clearly and concisely.

As a Christian, I cannot attend a church that belongs to a denomination that is committing heresy of any sort, not just homosexuality. As a Southern Baptist, if my denomination was to take the same road as the Episcopal Church, I would leave it without hesitation. Of course this is just one man's opinion and the voters of Alabama's 1st Congressional District will have to make up their own minds.

Any honest intellectual conversation on historical and traditional Christianity does not embrace the LGBT lifestyle.

Now to Mr. Byrne's declaration that he is a conservative. It would be interesting when he had a change in political beliefs because although he criticized the national Democrat Party for being too liberal as far back as 1984, he remained in the party of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Al Gore, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Bill and Hillary Clinton until 1997. His record leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to conservatism.

Patriots, we must be skeptical of RINOs and liberals wearing the veil of Christian conservative. Many of those same men and women have already been elected to Congress and we've already witnessed enough of compromising "conservatives" and there is no room for anymore.

Choose wisely Alabama 1st Congressional district.

Christians Must Stand in the Word

Our men's ministry at Midway Baptist Church has had the blessing and privilege of hearing this strong man of faith preach. His church is our sister church and this pastor is a close, personal friend of our pastor, Dr. Dennis Brunet. These mighty warriors have stood in the trenches opposing evil and both ministries are being blessed because of it. Please share this video with all your friends.

Carl Gallups on TBN

Admitting When I’m Wrong?

I have to agree with my buddy Steve Deace in it is looking more and more likely that Mitt Romney just may become our 45th President in light of Barack Obama's stepping into the burning brown paper bag on the White House porch.

The most amazing part of this is the votes Obama is losing over the gay marriage issue will never be made up by whatever votes he could possibly garner from the LBGT crowd.

The states that I thought Romney would lose are now in play...

...stay tuned.

Mitt Romney, Mormonism, & Presidential Politics, Part 2

The next question I posed to Bro Dennis, do I have more than a choice between the GOP or Democratic presidential nominee. He also answers the second question:

Can a Christian vote for a Mormon?

We talk about our three branches of government, a third party candidate, choosing the lesser of two evils, problems within the Republican Party, Mormonism, and Bro Dennis' last statement will no doubt shock some of you.

Stay tuned for Part 3 to hear his explanation.

Mitt Romney, Mormonism, & Presidential Politics, Part 2