The next big fight in Congress is whether or not to raise the current debt ceiling. Supposedly, Capitol Hill and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue—purportedly filled with self-avowed Christians—understand that this spending and debt accumulation cannot go on forever. Alas, right understanding does not always turn into right action, particularly not inside the Beltway.
You can read on the Internet many reasons for and against raising the debt ceiling. What does the Bible say about the level of debt our nation is carrying? It describes it in one word: oppression.
In this week’s verse, my Old Testament hero Nehemiah shames the nobles and rulers (read government) and they had no rebuttal. Oh would to God that 535 elected officials in Washington DC be silenced and have nothing to say in their shame for the oppressive debt they have exacted on our children and grandchildren!
Our current debt is selling our children and grandchildren into slavery. By slavery I mean bondage; we are being sold into involuntary servitude and sold to other nations buying up our debt. Our elected officials are no longer worthy of our trust if they are willing to sell our futures because of some supposed bogeyman on the horizon, the same foreboding that was before us for TARP 1 and 2.
We need to understand that we cannot serve God and money. Many a righteous man and woman have gone to Washington DC to serve with godly character and succumb to the devil’s delights. And they actually have no choice; they have to serve one or the other. They can’t straddle the fence. They can’t compromise on principles and expect to maintain godliness. It is impossible.
Our elected officials who are unfaithful with our money will be unfaithful with the power we’ve invested in them.
It is time to stop selling our nation because we are selling our children and grandchildren into bondage.