Call me a conspiracy nut, but I believe there is more to meet the eye than just a professional basketball player publicly declaring his homosexuality.
Food for thought:
Could the timing of Jason Collins' public declaration have anything to do with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) currently deliberating on California's Proposition 8?
Could the fact that uber-liberal Congressman Joe Kennedy III was Mr. Collins' college roommate and current close friend and his marching in gay pride parades, as mentioned in Collins' Sports Illustrated article, have influenced the timing?
It is well-documented that some justices can be swayed by public opinion and media pressure, Chief among them John Roberts.
It's just a thought...
Chief Justice John Roberts doesn’t need to be swayed by media coverage. In 1996, Roberts provided free legal counsel to the homosexual activists who successfully sued in Romer v. Evans to overturn a voter-approved ballot measure in Colorado that prohibited the state and its local governments from establishing special “protected class” status on the basis of homosexual behavior. See Los Angeles Times, Aug. 4, 2005: