Loving Jesus More Than America

I love the United States of America. I served in the Army for 22 years, retiring as a First Sergeant. My only son, Army Sergeant Eddie Jeffers, an infantryman, was killed in Iraq on September 19, 2007. My late father was a Marine. Generations of cousins and uncles served in World War II, and the Korean and Viet Nam conflicts. My family has sacrificed for the sake of freedom.

While I do pledge my allegiance to America and her flag, my ultimate allegiance  is to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If it means picking Jesus over America, I choose Christ. It was not always that way.

When my ultimate allegiance was to America, I was not the best citizen I could be. Neither was I the best husband or father for that matter. Putting America first, or any country, is nationalism. Do not confuse nationalism for patriotism. The latter is what makes good citizens. The former is what makes a cult following.

I understand the anger and fear of supporters of Donald J. Trump. But as I wrote in my previous blog, unrighteous anger always leads you down the wrong path. Some of the worse decisions we make individually and corporately are rooted in anger.

These emotions are what is fueling self-described Christians to support Mr. Trump. Their love of country (pardon the pun) trumps their love for Jesus. Scripture clearly tells us what type of leader we should choose. Mr. Trump does not meet those qualifications. Scripture also forbids us to act out in anger or to repay evil for evil. It also forbids us from choosing the lesser of two evils.

To the Trump supporters who claim Christ as Lord, let me gently remind you that Jesus is also our King. We are to choose a president who understands this fact.

The Israelites demanded a king and they got Saul. Liberal Americans demanded a king and they got Barack Obama. Conservative Americans are demanding a king and Donald J. Trump is ready and willing to fill that role. America cannot tolerate another king.

I biblically appeal to all Christians who are supporting Mr. Trump to search the Scriptures and prayerfully seek the Holy Spirit's guidance. Look at the totality of Mr. Trump's actions and words. When you do, you will realize that you've been loving America more than Jesus.