Category Archives: Press

Obama the Deal Maker

Great fanfare was made about the recent release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been held by the Taliban for several years, in conjunction with the release of what The Weekly Standard is describing as "five of the most dangerous Taliban commanders."

You'll forgive me if I don't share the joy expressed by many at Sgt. Bergdahl's release. I consider Sgt. Bergdahl a traitor. Harsh words? Perhaps, but allow the record to speak for itself.

I was contacted earlier this morning by a dear brother-in-Christ who's son is an Army First Lieutenant. Read carefully his son's words:

"Don't believe any fanciful garbage you read about this deserter we just got from the Taliban. He was an enemy sympathizer that abandoned his men and his post and sought to join the Taliban. We just gave up 5 of the Taliban's top guys so that we could get a traitor back. I was over there when he deserted and we stopped everything in order to find him. The entire country went on lockdown and countless assets were sent to find him. I know that several good men died trying to get him back. He told the Taliban everything they wanted, and then helped shoot their propaganda videos. This guy deserves a court martial. He's a disgrace to the uniform."

I confess that this was news to me, well because the mainstream media would never allow such news that would tarnish their King Obama's lackluster foreign policy and diplomacy record. It's all about the optics (I'll address that in a bit).

After posting to my Facebook page that I had some explosive information on the prisoner exchange, I was sent this link from another soldier testifying that Sgt. Bergdahl is a deserter. While you will not find this information in the US media, the UK Mail Online is reporting that this make-believe hero could indeed be tried for desertion.

If all of this was not enough to raise the hackles on the back of your neck, then get a load of what Debbie Schlussel is reporting:

DISGUSTING: Bowe Bergdahl’s Dad Praises allah, Makes Islamic Declaration, Calls For Release of All Gitmo Terrorists; Did Bergdahl Convert to Islam?

Always remember that Obama is a master of distraction. One of his mentors is Saul Alinsky who wrote this in his book, "Rules for Radicals":

The eighth rule: Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

Barack Obama is keeping the pressure on while removing it from him. With the VA, IRS, and releasing of tens of thousands of illegal aliens scandals, the fanfare around Sgt. Bergdahl's releases is a different tactic and action for the purpose of distracting the media from his ineptitude.

That won't work here at The Truth Watch. We are ever vigilant.

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Ryan’s Hope

For those of you who wholeheartedly supported the Romney/Ryan ticket, particularly when the future conservative superstar Paul Ryan was added, you may be feeling disappointed in Ryan’s latest fiscal compromising on the budget. Then there’s the immigration compromise, but that’s for another day.

We are the Truth Watch so let me help understand Ryan’s seemingly inexplicable slide to the middle; it was totally expected. I can tell you the exact day I knew this about Ryan and thusly he lost my support. It was during the election when Ryan said he was comfortable with Romney’s stance on abortion, which differed from Ryan. In other words, he was willing to compromise his position on abortion because Romney’s was “a vast improvement to the status quo.”

Here’s where the lack of my surprise of Ryan’s shifting his conservative positions on fiscal and national security did not surprise me.

Any person, who can compromise on the issue of life, and more specifically baby murder, will have no problem compromising on the budget or illegal aliens. The Bible clearly explains this sequence of selling-out: “he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8)

My buddy Steve Deace clearly explains the problem. Elected officials such as Paul Ryan are people of positions and not convictions. The former will compromise even on core values whereas the latter will stand rock-solid against such compromise.

I pray one day Americans will finally come to understand this phenomenon.

Barry Is No Harry

truman_buck_stopsHere is a famous picture of President Harry S. Truman with a sign on his desk that says, "The Buck Stops Here."

While I would not have agreed with much of President Truman's domestic policies, when it came to foreign policy he was a hawk compared to many of his predecessors.

What you could always admire about "Give "Em Hell Harry" is that he was plain-spoken and intellectually honest. Again, that doesn't mean you would always agree with him, but you could respect him.

Here's a video of Harry Truman in his later years explaining a president's level of responsibility:

In fact, Barack Obama has invoked a revised version of President Truman's famous saying:

The problem is Barry, no one is buying "The Buck Stops With Me" mantra. Just take a look at these highlights from this past week's press conference to the failure of ObamaCare. Please watch the whole video because it is very revelatory:

You are watching a man completely disconnected from reality and suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. When you watch the press conference, there is no way this man is allowing the buck stop to with him. He can say it does, but his mangled explanations were still deflections of responsibility for the complete and unresolvable failure of ObamaCare.

Truman Obama ResizedIn light of this, we have a new picture, call it a revision of Harry Truman, because Barry, you're no Harry. (Hat tip Jason Zoglmann)





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Obama Obfuscations

obamanocchioHere are my brief thoughts on Barack Obama's speech on Syria on the eve of 9/11.

Obama said:

In that time, America's worked with allies to provide humanitarian support, to help  the moderate opposition, and to shape a political settlement, but I have resisted calls for military action because we cannot resolve someone else's civil war through force, particularly after a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mr. Obama, when it comes to the Syrian rebels, they are anything but moderate. And when it comes to fighting someone else's civil war, you did so in Libya.

Speaking on chemical weapons, Mr. Obama said:

Because these weapons can kill on a mass scale, with no distinction between soldier and infant, the civilized world has spent a century working to ban them.

My comment to that is, killing babies with gas is unacceptable, however abortion, even with the baby out of the womb, is just fine with you.

Twice he called America a democracy, even describing us as "the world's oldest constitutional democracy." To be exact Mr. Constitutional Professor, we are a constitutional republic.

Mr. Obama later said:

I believe that America acts more effectively abroad when we stand together .

You didn’t believe that when Bush was President and we were at war.

He then patronizes Americans with this statement:

It's no wonder then that you're asking hard questions.

Mr. Obama, these are not hard questions. They are logical and legitimate. Okay, for you that makes them hard. Carry on!

Then speaking on pinpricks, Mr. Obama said:

Let me make something clear: The United States military doesn't do pinpricks. Even a limited strike will send a message to Assad that no other nation can deliver.

Mr. Obama, I can think of at least 8 NATO allies, plus France, who are capable of doing limited and targeted strikes.

Next was this doozy of a statement:

We learned from Iraq that doing so makes us responsible for all that comes next.

Not to mention Egypt and Libya, which you didn’t mention.

Next comes his plea for bipartisanship:

To my friends on the left, I ask you to reconcile your belief in freedom and dignity for all people with those images of children writhing in pain and going still on a cold hospital floor, for sometimes resolutions and statements of condemnation are simply not enough.

I don’t think they really care about that. Remember they support full and unfettered abortion.

And just one last appeal for the children:

America is not the world's policeman. Terrible things happen across the globe, and it is beyond our means to right every wrong, but when with modest effort and risk we can stop children from being gassed to death and thereby make our own children safer over the long run, I believe we should act.

The most dangerous place in America for our children is in its mother’s womb. Syria is the least of their problems.

So while I did not watch Mr. Obama's speech (I'm 0 for how many ever speeches he's given), I did read it and was nonplussed and underwhelmed by his, or his speechwriters', words.

What the Message Needs To Be

Yesterday I sent out a message via my email list and social networks and asked, when you read this, what comes to mind?

"When it comes to social issues, the Party must in fact and deed be inclusive and welcoming. If we are not, we will limit our ability to attract young people and others, including many women, who agree with us on some but not all issues."

Before we look at some of the responses, please take a few minutes to watch my video response:

Now for some of the responses. First, my devotional response can be read at:

Makes Men Forget All Pity

Here are some of the responses my readers submitted:

That's a vague statement that can be adapted to whatever the speaker/writer wants it to mean.  What social issues?  Whether or not women should breast-feed in public?  Or whether or not they should be free to abort their children?

Fundamentally disagree on this philosophy.  "Inclusive and welcoming" in today's jargon means "anything and everything" in order to secure votes. So, we compromise on basic principles, acknowledging every perverse lifestyle as OK and equal.  The Party should never lower its standards and the bar just to attract do so will take us down the path of liberals and we'll end up in the trash heap, as we will well deserve.

Ronald Reagan, an old white rich guy according to this RNC report, won 49 states and brought millions of young people into the Republican party with strong support of social, fiscal and national defense conservative principles. He didn't compromise his values, he led the way and those who agreed with him all or most of the time followed. . the RNC wants to ignore this model and compromise, rather than lead by principle, as if Reagan never existed. Well how well has that worked with moderates like McCain and Romney? (Answer: Not too well)

What comes to my mind is fear! Fear for my future grandchildren and the kind of junk they will have to face in this world because WE have become so "Inclusive and Welcoming". Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree and not be so accommodating.

I believe the question is over broad and cannot be answered as written. The 'some social issues' must be defined. Clarity will enable the writer to separate preference on issues from non-negotiable issues. God bless.

A Traitor.  

ALL parties are focusing too heavily on social issues.  IMHO.

The Romney-Reince-Rove-Bushies-Christee-McCain RINOs who despise Bible believing Christian conservatives more than liberal Dems...

So you can see that the comments ran the gamut.

Please leave your comments below and be sure to register for free to get your copy of "Do Politics and Religion Mix?"

Not An Emperor

So Barack Obama was lamenting the fact that he is the President of the United States, not the Emperor of the United States.

Yes, Mr. Obama, that indeed is the fact and it was designed to stop tyrants such as you.

We address the separation of papers in this week’s The Truth Newsletter for which you can signup for at 

I've attached  a copy of page one which is my "Unshackled" column.

Unshackled, Vol. III, Is. 5

Conservatives Don’t Have a Messaging Problem; They Have a Governing Problem

Rubio addresses the American Conservative Union's annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in WashingtonOne day the Republican Party may actually get it. With great frustration, I read a Christian Post article reporting on National Review’s Summit, “The Future of Conservatism,” where the meme about messaging is resonating.

There is no doubt that the Republican Party is anemic in the ability to get their message out. That is true on all fronts. But that is not why the GOP loses elections.

The GOP loses elections because they govern like liberals.

The first TARP bill was passed in the Democratic-controlled Congress with 34 of 48 Senate Republicans and 108 of 199 House Republicans voting yes. That is 71% of Senate Republicans and 54% of House Republicans. When more than half of the so-called conservative party votes like liberals, then you can't really make the case that conservatives have a messaging problem.

Conservatives rightly complain about the nation’s debt, and Republicans in Congress decry the President’s out of control spending, but they don’t add in this inconvenient truth. They‘ve raised the debt ceiling every time they’ve reached the “fiscal cliff.” And spare me the idiotic statement that the debt limit wasn’t raised when you suspend it. It still allows for the actual debt to increase.

My buddy Steve Deace, nationally-syndicated radio host, puts it best. He has stated, "If Republicans actually lived up to their platform the American people might trust us more, and if we offered people solutions rather than philosophical mission statements the American people would almost always choose us over them."

Barack Obama was reelected because he turned out his base. Mitt Romney was defeated because he at best took his base for granted or worse, ignored it.

When you ignore an already disgruntled base by nominating a Governor who governed as a liberal, the mantra of “Stop the Obama Express” does not equate to large voter turnout.

Republicans do not govern like conservatives because they are afraid of being blamed for government shut downs, starving little children, and turning off old people’s heat. And when Republicans do give into the Democrats and govern like liberals, they get…wait for it…blamed anyway.

As I write this Barack Obama is delivering his partisan speech in what is traditionally known as the State of the Union Address.

Republicans have a key opportunity to go after Obama and the Democrats' destructive policies with relentless aggression. I am talking no-holds barred, winner-take-all battle royale of comparing solid conservative solutions to disastrous Democrat-liberal socialism. The contrast could not be more clear or stark.

If Republicans will simply govern like conservatives, then they will not only win back the White House and control of both houses, but they might actually rescue our nation.

Now that's a message that attracts voters.


Normally I would apologize for yelling in my title, but I mean to yell this time. There is another constitutional professor, this time writing in the New York Slimes, about abandoning our Constitution. You can read the liberal tripe here:

Let’s Give Up on the Constitution

This article is fraught with liberal logic and is completely off-track.

Here are just a few examples, with my comments in italics…

1. “Why should anyone care? Why should a lame-duck House, 27 members of which were defeated for re-election, have a stranglehold on our economy?”

Because taxation directly affects WE the People and the House is designed to be immediately responsive to the people. 

2. “Our obsession with the Constitution has saddled us with a dysfunctional political system, kept us from debating the merits of divisive issues and inflamed our public discourse.”

No, our obsession with American Idol has saddled us with dysfunctional politicians. Only in America can Congress have a 9% approval rating and have a 93% incumbency re-election rate.

3. “As someone who has taught constitutional law for almost 40 years, I am ashamed it took me so long to see how bizarre all this is.”

Teaching constitutional law does not make you a constitutional scholar; it makes you a scholar of constitutional case law. Many a lawyer I know says they were never taught the constitution in law school, just constitutional case law. Teaching constitutional case precedence does not translate into learning constitutional principles.

4. “…a group of white propertied men who have been dead for two centuries, knew nothing of our present situation, acted illegally under existing law and thought it was fine to own slaves might have disagreed with this course of action.” 

This is where he shows his true liberal colors with this tired old academic tripe. The brilliance in the Constitution is that it can be amended, for better or for worse. You don’t like it? Change it. The Founders understood the times would change and gave us the safest mechanism for changing our system of government. 

5. “Before the Civil War, abolitionists like Wendell Phillips and William Lloyd Garrison conceded that the Constitution protected slavery, but denounced it as a pact with the devil that should be ignored.”

The Constitution did not protect slavery; it said it was to be dealt with in 20 years after our nation grew strong enough to deal with it. Was this the best solution? No I don’t believe so but had Congress acted in 1807 on the slavery issue instead of kicking the can down the road for half a century we may have prevented the Civil War. That being said, it was dealt with.

 6. “The deep-seated fear that such disobedience would unravel our social fabric is mere superstition. As we have seen, the country has successfully survived numerous examples of constitutional infidelity.”

 To use the stated examples in his article as positive occurrences of “constitutional infidelity” shows his ignorance in American history, pre-revolutionary times. Our Founders declared that we would be a nation of laws; laws that were based on “the laws of nature and Nature’s God…” as Jefferson wrote in our Declaration of Independence.

Of course he says he wants to keep parts of the Constitution, such as freedom of the press, so he can continue to publish his anti-constitutional tripe.

Very well Mr. Professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University, go ahead and take out your black magic marker and blot out the parts of the Constitution you don’t like and we’ll all fall in line.