FOXNews, the Drudge Report, Breitbart, Christian Broadcasting News, the American Spectator, the Daily Caller, Human Events, Townhall, NewsMax, WorldNetDaily, and any other number of alternative news sources are available to the conservative reader. What is a good thing has become almost too big a thing.
How do you get through the flood of information and determine what is true? Wouldn't you like to be able to know the absolute truth about just one subject, say once a week?
Then you need to get The Truth, a weekly newsletter published by Aletheia Group L.L.C.
The Truth looks at one current event through a biblical and historical lens. We also give you solid action points, the type that you can easily fit into your busy life.
Would such a newsletter interest you?
Please click on the link below and watch a short video about The Truth newsletter by Dave Jeffers, Founder & President of Aletheia Group L.L.C.
P.S. Dave has an awesome incentive bonus for you to join and to get your friends to join. Please follow the link below and watch the video.
P.S.S. Don't worry about having missed the newsletters we've already published. We have an awesome newsletter archive link for our Truth Watch members to go back and access and research every issue of The Truth. So please watch Dave's video and join The Truth Watch today!